South Africa

Day 7: Outdshoorn to George

By Alex Wallace

Coming off our first night at Bufflesdrift game lodge, unfortunately, it was our only night there. We started the next day hanging out with some elephants. These elephants are magnificent creatures and one of the animals of Africa’s big 5. Both groups interacted with 3 massive elephants. We got to feed them, talk with them, and hug them. We also learned what makes these animals so magnificent. They are intelligent, strong, and friendly. It’s sad to learn how humans wish to poach these animals for money. Our journey then took us to the Cango Caves where we took a tour through history for about 1.5 kilometers. Through the caves, we saw amazing architecture and wall structures that our ancestors lived in. We learned how they were discovered and what they were used for as well. After this productive morning, we drove to the mall for a nice independent lunch and to purchase shoes. We purchased shoes for the children back at Baphumelele where we visited in our stay at Capetown. We realized that we could make another big impact on these kids and we took the opportunity. We then checked into our hotel at our final destination in George. We are staying at a Marriot hotel which is quite fancy. They welcomed us with a warm greeting and a grand buffet for dinner. We spent the night with relaxation and also took time to get our minds right for the service project that we had the next day. Every day keeps on getting better and more life-changing as we go. It is sad to think we are almost done with our tour but rest assure, we are going to make the most of what we have left.